UK Visa Success Story: Entry Clearance Spouse Visa granted

Our solicitors recently received wonderful news that a client (the Applicant) had been granted Entry Clearance Spouse Visa into the UK as the spouse of a British citizen who is present and settled in the UK. In our initial consultation with the Applicant, we discovered the client’s circumstances and facts surrounding his application. We were informed the Applicant wished to submit his application as soon as possible as he had a possible job offer in the UK subject to being granted Entry Clearance.   

The case for an Entry Clearance Spouse Visa Application

The Applicant was a Nigerian national residing in Lagos, Nigeria. The Applicant met the Sponsor at university in the UK and started dating shortly after. The couple instructed us that they had visited each other regularly and had also travelled together. After several months of dating, the Applicant and Sponsor decided to get married. From the onset, our solicitors had advised the Applicant that this was a difficult application as they would have to collect all the required specified and supporting documents in a short space of time. In addition to this, it was essential there documents were in the correct format and had the necessary information. However, our team of expert solicitors assured the client that we could assist submit a successful application and that our solicitors often assist clients in similar situations to his. The Applicant instructed us to prepare and assist with the submission of his application.

How we can assist submit a successful Entry Clearance Spouse Visa Application

Our solicitors successfully guided the Applicant through the application process and prepared outstanding legal representations which focussed on how the Sponsor satisfied the minimum income requirement of £18,600 and the accommodation requirement. Our solicitors had to work closely with the Applicant and Sponsor to ensure they were able to collate all the mandatory documents required for the Applicant’s application. It was essential that a properly executed application that met all the requirements was submitted as the couple had already planned the Applicant’s visit to the UK.

In addition to the legal representations, our team of solicitors also provided multiple substantial reviews of his documents to ensure that Applicant submits the correct documentary evidence in the correct format, which meets the Home Office’s requirements. We also prepared and assisted the Applicant with the online visa application form and the financial requirements form.

Meeting the Entry Clearance Spouse Visa Requirements

To make a successful Entry Clearance Spouse Visa application you must meet the Home Office’s requirements, we have previously written about the stringent requirements. It is important to note that the Home Office’s requirements are a set of rigorous rules. However, you should note that there are numerous ways you can satisfy these rules. It is imperative you obtain the correct guidance before submitting any application. The UK immigration rules are complex and so it’s advisable to seek legal advice to avoid refusal.

In our expert experience, we have assisted clients in the past who have assumed that they do not meet the requirements but once we explore their circumstances we discover they do meet the requirements. A common question we often come across is regarding the English Language Requirement and whether a Degree taught in English qualifies. A degree taught in English from the following countries automatically qualifies:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Guyana
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • West Indies

You may wish to contact us if you have any questions regarding any of the requirements.

Client’s response to Successful UK Entry Clearance Spouse Visa  

“Thankfully, my application was successful. I am back in the UK, picked up my residency card, and enjoying life with D*****la. On behalf of me and my wife, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the effort the Lexvisa team put into our application.”

Advice from UK Immigration Solicitors on Submitting a successful Entry Clearance Spouse Visa Application

Our team of solicitors and barristers bear in mind the paramount duty of all legal representatives to act in your best interest whilst complying with the strict letter of the law. Our team of specialists can be distinguished from other law firms with our client-tailored approach and scrutiny of options available to you from the outset. We will be able to advise you in respect of the merits of your UK Spouse Visa application by providing you with advice from our leading team of solicitors before your matter even reaches the Home Office. We can assist you with the preparation of your visa application and ensure that you meet all the requirements of the relevant rules.

If you wish to consider your options, please call our Immigration Team so we can assess your matter and if necessary advise you of the next steps you should take in a consultation.

We are based in the legal epicentre of London, just across the road from the Royal Courts of Justice in order to ensure we get the best results for our clients.  We are minutes away from the Immigration and Asylum Tribunal, the Royal Courts of Justice and other central London courts.

If you need professional legal advice about submitting a successful UK Spouse Visa application please contact us for a case assessment on 02030110276. You can also reach us via our contact form

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