UK Start-Up Visa: Partner and Child Applications

In recent updates to the UK immigration system, the Start-Up Visa program has undergone revisions. While the Start-Up Visa no longer exists as a standalone category, provisions have been made for individuals currently on this visa to allow for their partners and/or children to apply to join them in the UK.

Your Partner and Children’s Eligibility

Under the revised provisions, your partner and children can apply to join you or stay in the UK as your ‘dependants’ if they meet certain criteria. If their applications are successful, their visas will usually end on the same date as yours. However, if a child’s parents have visas with different expiry dates, the child’s visa will end on the earlier date.

Relationship Criteria

A dependant partner or child includes your husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner, or children under 18. Additionally, children over 18 may be eligible if they’re currently in the UK as your dependant. Evidence of the relationship must be provided during the application process.

Partner’s Eligibility

To qualify, you must prove that you’re in a recognised civil partnership or marriage in the UK, have been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years, or have been in a relationship for at least 2 years with ongoing commitment despite not living together.

Child Criteria

If your child is 16 or over, they must live with you, not be married or in a civil partnership, and be financially supported by you. Documentation confirming their address will also be required.

Financial Requirements

Your partner and children must demonstrate they have a certain amount of money available to support themselves while in the UK. This includes specific amounts for each dependent, in addition to the £1,270 required for yourself.

Application Process

Applications from outside the UK require separate applications and payment of the visa fee for each family member. Each applicant must complete their application and provide the required documentation. Applicants from inside the UK can switch their visas by applying either at the same time as you or before their current visa expires.

Permitted Activities

Dependants can work, study, and travel abroad and return to the UK, but are restricted from applying for most benefits or the State Pension.


While the Start-Up Visa program has evolved, the opportunity for partners and children to join individuals in the UK remains. For those considering their immigration options, seeking guidance from experienced immigration solicitors is crucial. At DJF Solicitors, our team specialises in navigating the complexities of UK immigration law, ensuring a smooth transition for you and your family. Contact us today for expert assistance in achieving your immigration goals.

Contact our London immigration solicitors on 02030110276 or complete our contact form.

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