Naturalisation – Successful British Citizenship Application

Our team of expert solicitors received some wonderful news this week that a returning client (the Applicant) had been granted British Citizenship. This was the third occasion the client had instructed the firm as he had previously instructed the firm to prepare a Spouse visa application and a Spouse extension. The Applicant had been impressed with our team’s commitment and hard work in ensuring successful results. Upon instruction, our team of solicitors were able to submit a successful Naturalisation application and get a decision within 3 months where in normal circumstances the minimum processing time is 6 months or longer due to the large influx of cases the Home Office have received due to Brexit.     

Successful British Citizenship applications can be made by LEXVISA Solicitors

Naturalisation – The case for British Citizenship

The Applicant was a South African national who first entered the UK on a Working Holiday visa. The Applicant married a British citizen who was settled and present in the United Kingdom and subsequently instructed the firm to prepare and submit a UK Spouse visa. The Applicant returned 30 months later for a UK Spouse visa extension.

In our consultation with the Applicant, we addressed the issues surrounding the Applicant’s current circumstances. The Applicant had grave concerns about whether he would be able to submit a successful Naturalisation application as he had committed a Road Traffic Offence that impacted on whether the Applicant satisfied the Good Character requirement. After speaking to our expert solicitors, the Applicant was reassured that our solicitors often assisted clients in similar situations to his. The Applicant instructed us to prepare and assist with the submission of his Naturalisation application. Our solicitors were able to prepare an exceptional application and eliminate any concerns, resulting in a successful application.

Following the submission of the client’s application, the Applicant had informed us that due to a change in his personal circumstances, he needed a fast-tracked decision on his Naturalisation application. Our solicitors successfully liaised with the Home Office and the Applicant was granted British Citizenship with 3 months from the date of submission. In normal circumstances, processing times for Naturalisation applications is a minimum of 6 months but in light of recent events surrounding Brexit, decisions could be delayed.

How we can assist submit a successful Naturalisation Application ensuring British Citizenship

In this particular case, the client had informed our team that he would like to submit his application as soon as practicable. Our solicitors successfully guided the Applicant through the application process and prepared outstanding legal representations, which directly tackled all the issues, involved in the Applicant’s application and highlighted how the Applicant met the UK immigration rules. It was essential that our legal representations tackled the issue of the Road Traffic Offence and addressed how the Applicant met the Good Character requirement. A failure to address and mitigate this could have had serious consequences on the success of the Applicant’s application to acquire British Citizenship.

In addition to the legal representations, our team of solicitors also provided multiple substantial reviews of his documents to ensure that Applicant submits the correct documentary evidence in the correct format, which meets the Home Office’s requirements. In our review process, we discovered that there was a significant amount of documentary evidence missing or not in the correct format.  To give the Applicant the best chance of success we worked with the Applicant and addressed these issues by giving practical solutions which were in the Applicant’s best interest.  We also prepared and assisted the Applicant with the AN Naturalisation application form.

Eligibility for Naturalisation 

There are a number of requirements that one has to fulfil in order to make a successful application for British citizenship:

  • You must be 18 or over
  • You must be of sound mind and have good character;
  • You must intend on making the UK your place of home;
  • You must have sufficient knowledge of English Language & Sufficient knowledge of life in the UK; and
  • You must meet the residency requirements.

Those wishing to apply for Naturalisation should consult with a member of our expert immigration team so we can consider the eligibility criteria and explore whether among other requirements, they meet the good character and residency requirements.

Advice from LEXVISA UK Immigration Solicitors on submitting a successful Naturalisation application ensuring British Citizenship

Our team of solicitors and barristers here at LEXVISA bear in mind the paramount duty of all legal representatives to act in your best interest whilst complying with the strict letter of the law. Our team of specialists can be distinguished from other law firms with our client-tailored approach and scrutiny of options available to you from the outset. We will be able to advise you in respect of the merits of your Naturalisation application by providing you with advice from our leading team of solicitors before your matter even reaches the Home Office. We can assist you with the preparation of your visa application and ensure that you meet all the requirements of the relevant rules.

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