September 25, 2017November 20, 2019Tekhmeed Ejaz Does the Home Office’s Hostile Environment Policy justify their failure to uphold the Law?
September 20, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Deportation Order Appeal Case Update: Court of Appeal rules that the Public Interest in Deporting a Foreign National Criminal was not Outweighed under the New Integration Test
August 24, 2017October 21, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz New Court Guidance on making an Immigration Judicial Review Application
June 20, 2017July 11, 2018Tekhmeed Ejaz Deportation Order Appeal: ‘Deport First, Appeal Later’ Policy Deemed Unlawful
June 5, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Asylum Claims Case Study: Burden of Proof and Credibility Assessment