June 23, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi UK Settled Status Category Makes EEA Registration Certificate and Permanent Residence Imperative
June 15, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Dual Nationality of EU and British Citizens After Brexit
March 2, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Article 50 Vote by the House of Lords Favours Protecting EU Nationals in the UK
February 24, 2017September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Settlement Visa and EEA Family Permit Statistics Show a Sign of Things to Come
October 12, 2016September 14, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz UK Immigration Updates: New Online Application forms for UK Family Visas FLR(M) and FLR(FP)
October 7, 2016September 14, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz UK Immigration: Brexit Implications for Tier 1 Investors
October 3, 2016October 21, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz UK Immigration Implications of Article 50 for EU nationals
September 29, 2016September 14, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz UK Home Office Updates Tier 2 and Tier 5 Sponsors: New SMS Priority Service