Today, EU Commissioner Laszlo Andor has urged Britain to ‘stop moaning’ about European migrants in the UK and start facilitating their arrival, along with opening their eyes to see the benefits that Eastern Europeans bring to the UK. Laszlo, highlighted one benefit of EU migration being overseas workers have proven to pay more tax than receive benefits and as a result British workers pay less to the Treasury.
EU Commissioner: do not turn away hard working EU Migrants
Although, Andor was expressing the benefits of European migrant coming to Britain to work, study and live. He did admit that the UK would face some problem with a large number of people coming from EU countries. The EU commissioner stated:
“The answer to these problems is to invest in new facilities, housing and services, not to turn away people that are working hard and more than paying their share into the UK’s budget. The UK authorities should listen to people where these problems arise, and be prepared to invest in new infrastructure and services to address these problems, rather than simply take advantage of the economic and financial benefits of workers coming from other EU countries.”
Andor concluded by insisting that EU migration is good for Britain. He acknowledged that the EU single market would result in more jobs and better working conditions for British people. Andor also went on to speak about the benefits of free movement of workers to and from other EU countries. He spoke in terms of more job opportunities, and to employers, in terms of addressing labour shortages and skills gaps. Mobile EU workers usually pay more in tax and social security contributions than they receive in benefits. As a result UK workers have to pay less tax than they would in the absence of workers from other EU countries.
He added:
“Workers from other EU countries also tend to be complementary to UK workers, doing different jobs, rather than taking jobs from Brits. Outright competition for the same job is more the exception than the rule.”
EEA Migrant Workers Not to Be Blamed For Seeking Work in UK
Prime Minister David Cameron has stated that foreign nationals cannot be blamed for attempting to find jobs in British factories when the error is really within UK schools and colleges for not teaching students the essential skills to do the work. Speaking to a group of apprentices at a Mini factory in Oxfordshire he explained that “poor training and school standards mean young Britons do not have the skills and qualifications to compete.”
David Cameron went on to recognize the part EEA workers play in the UK and said:
“You can go to factories in our country where half the people come from Poland, Lithuania or Latvia. You can’t blame them, they want to work, they see the jobs, they come over and they do them. But as a country we ought to be saying no”.
Successfully applying for an Work Permit & Accession Worker Card
UK employers wishing to hire Bulgarian and Romanian nationals must currently apply for a work permit. If this is approved, nationals from these countries must apply for an accession worker card. Bulgarian and Romanian nationals and their family members who are considering moving to the UK, should seek legal advice from expert UK Immigration Lawyers regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to ensure that they know their options and how they can proceed to the next steps. Feel free to contact us to discuss your immigration situation and we will assess your case and provide you with options of visiting or settling in the UK.