October 27, 2020October 28, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Updates for Hong Kong British National Overseas in latest Statement of Changes
February 1, 2018September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Number of UK Family Member Visas Granted Significantly Decreased in the past Decade
January 30, 2017October 21, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz UK Visa Success Story: Entry Clearance granted as a Tier 2 Dependent
April 23, 2015September 14, 2020LEXVISA UK Immigration Judge Reverses Home Office’s Decision to Deport Nigerian Mother & Son
December 8, 2014September 14, 2020LEXVISA Case Study: Successful Adult Dependent Relative Visa Appeal
June 27, 2014August 14, 2020LEXVISA UK Immigration Case: Filipino Family’s Plea to stay in the UK Rejected
August 15, 2013August 18, 2020LEXVISA UKBA Visa Application Forms and Processing Update (August 2013)