August 23, 2024November 27, 2024Tehreem Fatima Home Office Sponsor Licence Compliance Visits: Strategies for Success
November 7, 2018September 14, 2020Tekhmeed Ejaz What Immigration check should I be aware of under the Immigration Act 2016?
October 22, 2018November 20, 2019Yasmeen Joshi In the news: Student Visitor latest to fall victim to UK’s Hostile Environment Policy
May 18, 2018November 20, 2019Tekhmeed Ejaz Is this the end of the Right to Bank Check under the Immigration Act 2016
January 25, 2018September 14, 2020Yasmeen Joshi Continuing Unannounced Compliance Raids on Tier 2 Sponsor Licence Businesses
December 5, 2017November 20, 2019Yasmeen Joshi Home Office Right to Work Checks in the current UK Immigration Climate
December 4, 2017November 20, 2019Yasmeen Joshi Record Number of Right to Rent Checks by the Home Office